2009 Ariel Atom 3: 0-60 Time, Quarter Mile, & Specs

Very Fast
0-60 mph
1/4 mile
Engine Logo
2.0L Supercharged I-4
Tire Logo
Drive Type
Rear-wheel drive
6-Speed Manual
Body Style
Open Wheel
2009 Percentile
99% Very Fast
All Time Percentile
99% Very Fast

0-60 Time Comparison

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  • Other Ariel Atoms: See how this model measures up against different years and editions within the Atom lineup.
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  • Ariel Family: Discover how it performs in relation to other Ariel models.

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Performance Indicators:

  • ▲ Green Arrow Up: The car is faster, showcasing superior acceleration.
  • ▼ Red Arrow Down: The car is slower, indicating lesser acceleration prowess.

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